Let me tell you guys about one more tart… and then I promise I’ll move on to other things. It’s just that they are so good, so simple, and just what you need this time of year. This quick tomato tart with some salad on the side and a glass of rosé makes the perfect summer meal.

Honestly during the summer I could make this tart at least once a week and never get bored of it. The flavor of the heirloom tomatoes shines strong with a base of mustard to compliment them. I’m sure you could add other veggies to this and create some variations, but I like to keep it nice and simple.

So turn on your oven and let’s get started!
- Pie crust , from my last recipe (inspired my Mama Eats Plants)
- 2-3 large tomatoes or 4-5 medium ones
- 3 teaspoons Dijon mustard
- 4 teaspoons grainy mustard
- 1 teaspoon each dried basil, oregano and onion powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Preheat oven to 190°C or 375°F.
- Follow all of the steps for the pie crust dough here, except omit the sugar.
- Pre-bake crust 10-15 minutes until it is just cooked and only barely golden.
- In the mean time, slice up your tomatoes and and lay them out on a dish towel or paper towels to remove some of their moisture.
- Once the crust is ready, remove it from the oven and spread both the Dijon and grainy mustards evenly over the inside of the crust.
- Next, arrange the tomato slices in concentric circles, starting at the outer edge of the crust and ending in the middle.
- Sprinkle the dried basil, oregano, onion powder, and salt evenly over the tomatoes.
- Put the tart back in the oven for another 20 minutes or until the crust is golden and the tomato edges begin to brown.
- Remove the tart from the oven and let cool for at least 5 minutes. Serve warm or cold, it tastes great both ways.
- This tart is best consumed the same day and makes 4-6 servings depending on how much you’re serving along side it.